last week I got a sales flier in the mail for dollar general market. I briefly looked it over and saw a few deals so I thought I would see how much further dgm is from my house than my usual grocery buying places. then I looked closer at the flier and noticed two things: 1) the sales were for the dgm in scottsville 2) there was a $5 off a $20 purchase coupon. so I was back to mapping the distance. the scottsville store is only a mile or 2 farther from my house in distance but with zero stop lights and almost no traffic, I thought it must be faster. so this morning b and I took a little cruise to the big city of scottsville!
here are my observations:
1) as far as time is concerned, this is where it's at! I got to and from my location quicker and was able to make it through the store faster because there were very few people there!
2) the employees were SUPER friendly and helpful! I can not say the same for all of the stores we frequent.
3) produce was priced very well!! avocados were 85 cents each which is a steal people! (they are 1.66 at kroger this week).
4) as far as healthy choices go, they have no whole grain pastas or tortillas. they did not have fat free or low fat cheese, sour cream, or cream cheese. they did have whole grain bread, but it wasn't as cheap as Aldi's. (I make our bread so this doesn't matter for us, but it might for you!)
5) they did have nutella!!! and they have more name brand items as well (tide, charmin, big brand foods, etc). I got 12 pack angel soft tp for 4 bucks. I call that a good deal! As far as prices of other things, there were several really great deals and everything that wasn't over the top awesome was comparable to aldi or walmarts prices. I did pass up a couple of things that are cheaper at kroger this week because of sales.
All in all, I'm loving the scottsville dollar general market! This will become a regular in our grocery repertoire! Especially if the keep sending $5 coupons!!
Oh, and they DO accept manufacturer coupons!
if only I were better at coming up with clever titles...
anyway, we have some big stuff going on in the way of adoption. last week we mailed our dossier! and we found out that we are number 11 on the waiting list! this morning I woke up at 530 and I couldn't fall back to sleep because I couldn't stop thinking of this little one...is it a he or a she, is he/she born yet, what will it be like when we see the first picture, when will we see the first picture, etc, etc, etc.
so while we wait for the answers to those questions we still have quite a lot of money to raise, which should keep us quite busy! we have some very fun fundraisers coming including (but not limited to) craft fairs (you can always make special requests!!), more mini photo sessions, painting, a movie night and raffle, and as always thirty-one parties! be on the look out for how you can join the fun!!
b and I mailing the dossier!!!
Bella Joy will be 17 months old in 4 short days. She is growing and changing so much. It really does seem like each day she learns something new. It is the neatest thing to witness. So let's talk about some of the things that our nearly 1 1/2 year old is up to, shall we?!
She is learning new words by the minute. She can say bye, hi/hey/hello, thank you, please, loads of animals, two, a, b, c, bless you, momma, daddy, poppy, bebe, papaw, lylah, Elsie, zoey, loads of animal sounds, book, ball....ok maybe I'll stop. Just in the past month or so she has taken off! She says so much, I can't even keep up! She also understands so much!! She knows when she is doing something she shouldn't, when she is being funny, and how to follow simple instructions. She also signs more, please, thank you, milk, bath, help, eat, and water (again, I may be forgetting some!)
She loves to play!! She is a pro at her shape sorter and can do it mostly by herself. She loves animals and books. She loves to swing, slide and run.
She is still taking 2 naps a day, which I am totally ok with (it just makes errands more difficult). And she is also becoming a more adventurous eater.
She definitely makes us laugh regularly and really does bring so much joy to our lives! Boy oh boy 17 months has flown by!
today we had our finger printing appointment in Nashville! It was a really interesting experience. the immigration office is a room full of lots of chairs and a few workers. when we walked in, we were greeted by the guard who was super friendly and asked us questions about our process. then we headed back to get the prints done. we were there for 15 minutes max. there were a few immigrants in the office, and while the staff was SUPER friendly to us, they were less than friendly to the international folks, which made us sad. I am sure that their job in that office can be very difficult at times though, so I won't pretend to understand what they are dealing with...but it was still sad.
all that to say, we are one big step closer to bringing our sweet baby home! the next step is mailing our packet of paper work called the dossier. and pretty much all that is left to do is wait and pray! very soon we will be OFFICIALLY on the waiting list for a referral! :) stay tuned!
Today I thought it would be fun to have a surprise date for my hubby. He works so hard to provide for us and does so without complaining. So I wanted to do something for him. Enter surprise disc golf with a twist (in the back yard)!
I made 6 tags and attached them to baskets and buckets. Each tag was numbered (to number the "hole") and had something written on the back that we had to tell each other (ie. where are 5 places you would move to, what are five desserts you could eat right now, etc). The best part is, we got to put our girl to bed and then enjoy some time together and some fun conversation without ever leaving our property! What a fun Wednesday!
The first hole. I won this one! And we won't talk about the rest of them :)
My hot date holding the rest of the holes. What a fun night!!!
Each Friday, I am going to share a fundraiser(s) that profits a cause near and dear to my heart. It will likely mostly be adoption/Africa related but maybe sometimes not too. Sometimes I will share about things our family is doing to bring our baby home, sometimes friends, and sometimes strangers. So without further ado, welcome to our first fundraiser Friday!
Today I want to showcase 2 dear families who are in the process of adopting and both rather close to recieving referrals (which means large sums of money will be due).
First our friends Stuart and Jenny are in the process of adopting 2 sweet babies from dr Congo! They have biological twins who will be 3 in December. And they will be awesome big brother and sister!!
Stuart and Jenny and doing a tshirt blitz right now! They have several sizes available for $15 (they were originally $20). So please, follow their blog link above and help bring s & k's younger siblings home!!
Next I want to share with you Jason and Dwan who are in the process of bringing home a little boy from Ethiopia! Jason and Dwan have 4 biological children (one of which is a boy) and they are some of the sweetest siblings you will ever see! The Graham's are stepping out in obedience to God's call to care for the fatherless by bringing one more into their home.
On Saturday, August 20 they will be having a pancake breakfast at Applebees in Bowling Green. Tickets are $6 and $5 of those dollars will go directly to bringing their sweet boy home! I am telling you about this delicious fundraiser now because they are pre-selling tickets and will not have tickets available at the door! So click on their blog link above and contact Dwan by next Friday August 5 to reserve your tickets!!!
Thank you for joining us in our first ever fundraiser Friday!!! And thank you for caring for the fatherless by supporting these families!
I have been challenged lately to really focus on my priorities and shift them to match what God desires them to look like. I am thankful.
One of my priorities is being a blessing to our family financially. I am responsible for grocery shopping in our home and I am doing my best to get great deals by shopping sales and couponing. I have gotten some bargains in the past couple of months including free pasta, free canned tomatoes, free BBQ sauce, free dish soap, free toothpaste, nearly free shampoo and body wash as well as many other items. Well today I got some deals for my new business! That's right, another way I am hoping to bless our family financially is by being a thirty-one consultant! (my website is mythirtyonetoday.com/emilyjochim) I am so so excited about this opportunity and will blog more about it soon! But now for my deals!
First I went to walgreens. Here you see 10 folders, 1 box of 24 crayons, an index card holder and 2 packs of 10 pens. I got all of this for 1.87. (pens and folders are for business).
Next stop was staples! You see 10 folders, a 7 pack of pens, 2 2 packs of sharpies, a 500 pack printer paper, and a sliding pencil case. My total after sales and rebates was 1.60!!! Talk about a deal!
Expect some other fun new things here at jochimsjoys coming soon!
Upon discovering two awesome blogs this week, I got the sewing itch!
The first project I discovered was a denim skirt made from a men's button up shirt. I recalled one that Adam had gotten from work and never worn and after asking his permission, I cut in! It's a cute little skirt but I want to replace the buttons and would really like to try it with a men's khaki shirt.
Next I found a tutorial for a jersey skirt. I changed a few details of it but kept it mostly the same.
After 2 skirts I wanted to tackle a top so into my closet I went. I found a long sleeved shirt that I got from target years ago and cut the sleeves off. Then I followed the instructions to turn the sleeves into a ruffle. I love this top!
Finally I repurposed a tshirt and a strapless dress into a cutie ruffle top dress with a red belt! I even had Adam take a corny picture of me modeling it :)
***the 2 blogs are madebylex.com and rufflesandstuff.com
****I need to take before pictures too!
so as sweet cindy starr taught us tonight, we will keep playing, praying, persevering, and preparing you through your growth and development. happy 10 months (and 2 days) baby girl!