Wednesday, December 30, 2009
glucose tolerance test
happy 28 weeks bella joy!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
glucose screening
after dr. d's nurse called, i read a little about the test and the "disease" and when it said something about y0ur body not producing enough insulin (which i guess i should have known!) i thought...i wonder if there is a corelation....gestational diabetes and pcos?! i haven't found a definite answer, so if you know, i'd love for you to share your wisdom! and if you failed your glucose screening and had to go onto the glucose tolerance test, i'd love to know that too!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
80 jalapenos
you see the gilliland family loves to eat and my daddy is always finding (or making up) new recipes to try out on us.
several years ago he busted out a recipe for stuffed jalapenos and our family will never be the same.
usually you need about 20 jalapenos for a batch. start by cutting them in half (long-ways) and removing the seeds. i recommend that you wear gloves for this task or wash your hands ridiculously well afterward. if you do not you may have some serious burning taking place when you touch parts of your body (ie. your eye, nose, etc.)
only 3 more ingredients:
- 1 lb of sausage
- 1 8 oz package of cream cheese
- 1 cup of shredded Parmesan cheese
brown the sausage and drain the grease. combine the hot, cooked sausage with the cream cheese and Parmesan cheese. fill the seedless jalapeno halves with the yummy goodness. bake at 400 for 30-45 minutes or until golden brown on top. ENJOY!
bella and i are very excited that my daddy (her poppy) will be using these 80 jalapenos to create this magical food for us in just a few days!
Monday, December 14, 2009
miracle baby girl
you see, when i was about 14 years old doctors began telling me that i would not have children. (yeah, i don't recommend telling 14 year old girls this regardless of how accurate your information is). i always knew i wanted to be a momma to lots of babies so when folks began telling me so early that it was not going to happen for me i developed a heart for africa and the sweet orphans that live there and knew that someday i would adopt.
when i was a freshman (i think) at western (i know i was in duc when my dad called to tell me what the doctors had called to tell him) i was officially diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome* and doctors began telling me that if i was able to have children it likely would not happen without the help of fertility treatments. at this point in my life, my walk with the Lord had been established and i knew that even if i could have my own children that i still wanted to adopt.
*polycystic ovary syndrome (pcos) is an endocrine disorder that affects approximately 5% of all women. it occurs amongst all races and nationalities, is the most common hormonal disorder among women of reproductive age (12-45years old), and is a leading cause of infertility. the principle features are obesity, anovulation (resulting in irregular menstration) acne, and excessive amounts or effects of androgenic(masculinizing) hormones. the symptoms and severity of the syndrome vary greatly among women. while the causes are unknown, insulin resistance, diabetes, and obesity are all strongly correlated with pcos....or at least thats what wikipedia says :)
so when adam and i began seriously dating and talking marriage i had to tell him about my disease. it was not an easy conversation (especially because he was preparing to leave for cleveland and i was in tampa). i told him that i knew he wanted to have his own children but that if he were to marry me that it may not happen. i told him how (if possible) i wanted to have 4 children, 2 adopted and 2 biological. he told me that he didn't care if we could never have our "own" children and that it didn't change the way he felt about me.
fast forward to july 16, 2009. adam and i had been married for 8 months and 8 days when dr. hewitt called me at the medical center to inform me that we were indeed expecting and even he was surprised that this girl with pcos who wasn't trying to conceive a child had done just that!
we obviously were not planning to have a child 8 months (+9ish months) into marriage, but God had different plans for our sweet family. we are so so so thankful that He has blessed us with our sweet miracle baby girl.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
25 week update!

total weight gain/loss: still not telling, but hello, you can see my huge belly!
maternity clothes: yes, however i did by a non-maternity sweater/pullover thingy the other day cause it was so cute that i wanted to still be able to wear it when bella arrives.
stretch marks: sadly yes. i'm using the magic stretch mark lotion...but it doesn't seem to be working.
sleep: somehow, i think i'm sleeping a little better lately. i don't know if it is because i'm used to sleeping with a watermelon by my side, or if i'm really just that tired.
best moment this week: getting furniture in bella's room and watching her move through my shirt. adam and i just crack up at this!
movement: yes, we can feel her and see her moving and we love it!
food cravings: same ol' stuff really. i realized that for the most part, if someone else cooks it, i'll eat it.
gender: GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
name: isabella joy elizabeth jochim
labor signs: still nope.
belly button in or out? in...but i have a feeling that it won't be for much is disappearing as the days progress.
what i miss: people not saying inappropriate (often rude) things to me about how huge i am. oh, and i miss not crying at the drop of a hat!
weekly wisdom: i have baby wisdom here.
milestones: we are 2 weeks from being in the 3rd and final trimester...which totally blows my mind! she will be here before we know it!
Monday, December 7, 2009
bella's room gets furniture!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009
two sweet little ones
caroline is having a palate lengthening surgery today in north carolina. adam and i are staying with her 3 older siblings while her mommy and daddy are with her at levine childrens hospital. you can read more about caroline on her caringbridge site at
spencer is having a palate reconstruction surgery today and vanderbilt. he will be a year old at the end of this month! you can find out more about him on his momma's blog at
please be praying for these sweet children and their families today. praise God that he is the Great Physician!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
bella joy's new paint job
Monday, November 16, 2009
mini update
we love this baby girl so much.
Monday, November 9, 2009
happy anniversary!
january 08-we officially met (although i knew who he was). we rode to nashville together in the back of a yaris (with another person in the back as well) to eat dinner at pf changs for carly's birthday.
february 08-valentine's day weekend...pretty close to the same group travels to nashville together again to play laser tag and to play at the parthenon. lots of funny things happened while we were there. when we returned to bg, a few of us went to carly's to watch ratatouille. i fall asleep in movies, and this night was no exception. (much later adam told me that i was touching his shoulder in my sleep, and i promise i didn't know it!)
the next night we ended up hanging out with adam again. and throughout the week i couldn't stop thinking about him so of course, i wrote him a facebook message! we started talking through facebook messages multiple times a day and watching lost on dvd at night.
one week after laser tag in nashville, adam came to watch lost-we talked-he held my hand :) (let me remind you that adam jochim had never had a girlfriend before, so this was a very bold move!) the next day i was determined that i would not call him and he finally called me at around 4pm. we watched lost some more and talked some more.
february 23, 2008-adam asked me on our first date by saying "do you have plans for lunch tomorrow after church?" i said no. " wanna go?" i agreed to go and then he said..."ok, i'm gonna hug you now." so awkwardly funny! we love it!
february 24, 2008-adam and i have our first date at o'charley's. it was fantastic. afterward we had a long talk in the car and he asked me to be his girlfriend.
the next few weeks we spent time together nearly daily. we had both made clear that we wouldn't date just to date and would end our relationship if at any point we didn't feel that it was leading to a marriage relationship. we also made a promise that we would not kiss until we knew for certain that we would spend our lives together.
june 17, 2008-after a long day of babysitting a sweet little girl, adam jochim asked me to be his wife! and we get busy planning our big day!
november 8, 2008-we vowed to spend our lives together and said our "i do's".
it was fast. the past year has not been all easy. but yesterday as we reflected on our year, we decided that we would never have traded those not easy moments for anything. we've grown closer this year. we bought our first house. and God has blessed us with a sweet little miracle baby girl. (if you don't know the story about why our baby girl is SUCH a mircale, i'll share it on another day.)
adam, i am so thankful for our first year of marriage and can't wait to see what the next year holds for us. i do praise God for you and am so thankful for your heart, your patience, and your leadership. i love you sweet husband.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
week 20 update! :)

sleep: not sleeping super great still...even in my cage of pillows.
best moment this week: seeing our sweet baby for the very first time!
name: isabella joy elizabeth jochim. bella for short. daddy will call her izzy.
labor signs: thankfully, no.
belly button in or out? in
what i miss: liking food. and brushing my teeth and blowing my nose without nearly puking.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
best weekend ever!
saturday morning we had breakfast and spent our day at ikea. we got lots of fun things for baby j and some fun things for our parts of the house too. sunday my sweet niece and her momma and daddy participated in family dedication at church so mom and dad came down and it was another great day! monday morning adam and i were so sad to leave each other after our great long weekend together. here are just a few pictures from the weekend.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
happy (my) friday!
then next week, that is right-NEXT WEEK we find out what our baby is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (pending the cooperation of baby j).
Monday, October 12, 2009
insurance update :)
Friday, October 2, 2009
week 15 update

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
fall: just around the corner

- scarves (wearing, knitting, crocheting)
- leaves (the colors, jumping in them)
- pumpkins
- apple cider slushies
- hay rides
- bon fires
- sweaters and cardigans
- jacksons orchard
- fall getaway (once upon a time i looked very forward to our crusade fall getaways)
- thanksgiving
- pumpkin pie
- pumpkin carving
- the cooler weather
- pumpkin muffins
- tall socks
- taco soup
- pumpkin ice cream
- fall festival
- the medical center 10k classic (although my preggo self will not be participating this year)
- pumpkin spice lattes
- ok, lets be honest-all things pumpkin
what are your favorite things about fall?
Friday, September 11, 2009
i was a senior at tell city high school and standing in senior hall way when my best friend kathryn came to me and said "emily, a plane just hit one of the world trade center towers." i said "oh kathryn, i'm sure it was an accident." then i went to my second period ceramics class. mrs. hatfield had the radio on, and we listened as the second plane hit and the first tower fell. after class was over, i ran to find kathryn and told her i was sorry i made light of it before. we watched all day. in fear. we watched the next day too. in fear. kathryn and i (along with her little brother david) went to their house for lunch and i called mom. we were in disbelief.
i wasn't walking with the Lord then, so i really had no way of knowing true hope.
i really will never forget that day, or the coversations that were had, just like i'll remember that i was in the library with mr. morton at tell city junior high during the oj simpson verdict.
i'm so thankful that 8 years later i know hope. i have hope. and i know that even in the midst of tragedy and trials, God is still good. and i am so thankful.
where were you 8 years ago today?
Thursday, September 10, 2009
home sweet home
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
fast forward to july when we get our happy news that we are, in fact, expecting. the appointments begin. and all kinds of bills started to arrive. i contacted the man that the church recommended and after looking over our application he noticed that the box for maternity coverage didn't get checked. the box didn't get checked. he said he would do his best to get it straightened out. i just got the call. he didn't get it straightened out. the insurance company denied us. so here i am, 12 weeks pregnant, without maternity coverage.
Friday, September 4, 2009
weekends make me happy
after a slight modification in our plans, we are ready to rock!
friday: hot rods game with 3 of 4 carwile kids.
saturday: rise early to head to audubon state park to play and camp with adam's fam.
sunday: lechner (my mom's) family reunion and back to bg.
monday: PEI WEI!!!!!!!
thank you Lord for this happy weekend of fun with family and friends!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
heart beat
the house is coming along nicely. i've taken a few pictures and will post some soon. last night adam put my sewing nook together while i was at a meeting at church. what a sweet sweet hubby i have! :)
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
in other news. i'm 9 weeks today. nausea may as well be my middle name, but it will so be worth it just a few short months from now!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
lylah mae mattingly
Friday, August 7, 2009
she's on her way!
and now we wait....
more to come soon! :)
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
please be praying...
in other news, i saw our baby yesterday!!! he/she is TINY, but the folks at dr. davis' office seemed pleased with all they saw.
my sweet neice, lylah mae, should be here any day now too. today is the first day of school and my sis sure did go, but we are hoping that lylah will decide to enter this world after school gets out today!!!
Friday, July 24, 2009
a big change is coming
before we left for camp though, i was having some pain in my abdomen and called the doctor to see if they could get me in. they had no openings until this week. so i went to camp in pain. on thursday, the pain became so intense that i couldn't function. so i called the doctor only to discover that the three docs in the practice were out for the afternoon. luckily one of those doctors is a member at our church so my boss/the high school pastor called him. he said that i needed to get back to bg and head on over to the medical center to see what was wrong. when i arrived they did some tests and we waited for the doctor to call with the results. (you see, he wasn't at the hospital, he was on the lake.) after what seemed like an eternity of waiting, he finally called.
dr: "well emily, we've discovered what is causing all of your pain."
me: "yeah?"
dr: "it looks like you've had some cysts that have ruptured."
me: "ok..."
dr: "usually i would give you some pain medicine, but i can't because you are pregnant"
dr: "yes, you are. you hcg number has to be 50 for pregnancy and yours is reading 156."
so there you have it. the jochims will soon become 3! it is very early in the pregnancy (probably about 5 weeks) and they have checked my hcg levels 2 more times this week (the latest was 3575, less than a week after the first! :)) i have an appointment on monday and we will hopefully get a due date there. we are very excited, very surprised, and were very much not trying. but God knows best and we are so thankful for that! so please join us and many others in praying for baby j(ochim). pray that he or she will grow to full term. pray that God would be glorifed throughout the pregnancy and in the birth of this sweet one. and GET EXCITED!!!!!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
the weekend, and a little before then too
friday night we had a few friends over to play games...
saturday evening we also attended the wedding of our friends lucas and amanda. it was outside and it was beautiful! this is amanda and her daddy walking down the aisle.
our weekend was so great. the best we've had in a while. we relaxed and spent much needed time with our friends. saturday we slept until 10am!!!!!!! and we took a nap before the wedding!!! it was so needed.