total weight gain/loss: i have an idea, but i'm not gonna tell :)
maternity clothes: yep. exclusively.
stretch marks: still nope.
sleep: not sleeping super great still...even in my cage of pillows.
best moment this week: seeing our sweet baby for the very first time!
sleep: not sleeping super great still...even in my cage of pillows.
best moment this week: seeing our sweet baby for the very first time!
movement: yes indeed and its incredible!
food cravings: cereal. mexican.
gender: GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
name: isabella joy elizabeth jochim. bella for short. daddy will call her izzy.
labor signs: thankfully, no.
belly button in or out? in
what i miss: liking food. and brushing my teeth and blowing my nose without nearly puking.
name: isabella joy elizabeth jochim. bella for short. daddy will call her izzy.
labor signs: thankfully, no.
belly button in or out? in
what i miss: liking food. and brushing my teeth and blowing my nose without nearly puking.
weekly wisdom: some folks give more thorough ultrasounds than others.
milestones: uhhh...knowing that our baby is a girl and seeing her...and feeling her move on a very consistent basis.
we are so so so so thankful for this sweet little miracle!
congratulations!!! that is so exciting!
ummm...i think I'm gonna start crying here... I'm so happy for you and Adam and Bella! I think I'm going to have to get her some little chinese baby clothes or something, cuz I'm super-stoked! (can you be stoked about a baby? Anyway, I am) I want to hug you and your big baby belly! I can't wait to see you!!!!
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