in other news, we saw the lactation consultant this morning. she didn't feel like my supply was low due to my pcos (PRAISE!) but does feel that it is low. bella's little tongue is made in a way that leads the lc to believe that it should be clipped, however our pediatrician doesn't do that. when i called his office, he said not to do it, no matter what! he said it wouldn't change our situation. so i suppose we are going with the doctors orders rather than the lc. bella was 8 lbs 9 oz at her weight check at 3 weeks. exactly 2 weeks later, she has finally surpassed her birth weight (8 lbs 15 1/2 oz) and is 9 lbs 12 oz!! go bella!!
our plan of action is a grueling one. i am supposed to feed bella every 2 hours. depending on how she nurses, i am to supplement the feeding with a bottle (whether breast milk or formula depends on our stock of breast milk). then i am to pump for at least 15 minutes to try to increase my supply. i am also taking 3 fenugreek 3 times a day. it is going to be very difficult, but if it allows us to breastfeed our baby girl, it will be so worth it! do any of you have any experience with the lactation consultant? what was your time like?
will definitely be praying for everything!
Am glad to read the update! Will continue to pray for you....her weight gain is great news! You are doing great! We are even more alike....JJs tongue is also tied at the bottom. His doctor told us to wait til he was 9-12 months to see if it loosened and then referred us to a specialist (Dr Sims...ear, nose, and throat specialist who goes to our church). Unfortunately, in our case it has not loosened on its own. We visited last month and he will be clipping JJs tongue in June.
what exactly is clipping and why is done?
sounds not so great.
but we'll keep praying for you!
i just want to say: ptl Bella is gaining weight and that you're pressing on and sticking to nursing. many women in this position would've quit. also, i have had great experiences with my lactation consultant. she told me that my son was tongue-tied, but when i took him to an ENT, i was told that he's not tongue-tied. since then, Sam's mouth has gotten bigger and we've both learned how to latch properly. i think in my case, his mouth just needed to get a little bigger, strange as that sounds. so sometimes the lc can be wrong. but usually, they're an incredible source of information, encouragement, and support. i'm praying for you.
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