our baby girl was 3 months old as of
tuesday. that is 1/4 of a year. how is it even possible!? we had her 3 month photos taken on
saturday and i can hardly wait to see how they turn out! she was a champ until the very end when she got just a tad fussy.
bella's 3 months of life, she has spent time in 4 states (
ky, in, tn, & oh). she has been swimming numerous times! she loves being outside. she loves her sassy letter links, her
bouncey seat, her rhino lovey, and her
eric carle lady bug. she loves to smile and jabber. she is starting to get into more of a routine. she goes to sleep in her bed (which is still the pack n play by our bed, but the goal is to have her in her room by 4 months) between 9 & 10 and usually sleeps until 6. and then starting at 6 am she eats every three hours until 9 pm. she usual takes a good nap at about 7 am and then takes another good nap in the afternoon with cat naps in between. i can't believe how much she is growing.
bella did have her appointment with
sims on
monday. for those of you who do not know, the appointment was to check out her tongue which is "tied" or connected to much underneath. our pediatrician referred us to see
sims mostly for my peace of mind. well
sims does believe that we should have
bella's tongue clipped if we want to breastfeed. so my big question was "if we don't do it now, will it be needed later?" he said that if we want to
bottlefeed, it is fine to let it go until she is a year old, but at that point we will have to do it. we have opted to go ahead and have the procedure done, as it has been a great desire of mine to nurse my baby until she is 1. the only thing is that they couldn't get us in until
july 23rd and she will have to be asleep for the procedure (which means: mask over face to make it happen). this is the part that scares me the most! i know she will be a champ just as she has been with every thing else in her little life.
bella joy we love you more than we ever thought possible! happy 3 months baby girl!