how far along: 15 weeks and 2 days :)
total weight gain/loss: there is definitely a gain, but i'm trying not to look when they weigh me at my appointments, cause i don't really want to know!
maternity clothes: nope, cause i don't have any, but unless my bottoms are elastic waisted, i have to wear my belly band.
stretch marks: nope.
sleep: not sleeping great at night. i always sleep great on the couch for naps, but as soon as its time for bed sleep is no longer good.
best moment this week: heard baby j's heartbeat for the second time.
movement: as i've never been pregnant before, i can't be sure, but i think i am feeling little movements.
food cravings: i crave eating out. funny, i know. i don't want anything i cook, except sometimes chili or taco soup. i hate looking at raw meat!
gender: we will find out (pending cooperation of baby) on october 30!!!
name: we have a girl name and a boy name and we reveal the name when we know what the baby is.
labor signs: thankfully, no.
belly button in or out? in
what i miss: sleeping well, head ache free head, and painfree upper back.
weekly wisdom: each day that i carry this sweet babe is a gift from God alone. even in the midst of crappy sleep and nausea, i praise Him for creating this child!
milestones: i thought i was over my morning (read-all day) sickness....but then it came back :)
please continue to pray for our sweet baby j. dr. d told me this week that he recommends that i get a seasonal flu and h1n1 vaccine. i don't want to. but i'm going to.
You are sooo adorable! :D
I'm so happy for you and know exactly how excited you are about finding out the gender. We should find out the first week of December what we're having! :D
We'll be praying for you and little Baby J! I also hope your morning sickness goes away...mine quit being 24/7, but when I do have it, it's really bad!
so exciting--and you look adorable!!
DEFINITELY get your flu shots--risk is much higher for pregnant women, and the flu is CRAZY this year.
I have access to tons of info and samples at work for pregnancy (not to mention a gazillion pregnancy and newborn magazines) so let me know if you want/need anything.
You are precious! I love getting to see you all the time. I can't wait to see you precious child. I know that you and Adam will make wonderful parents!! I am continually praying for you.
:) love the baby bump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
awww....I love this! I wanted to check in on ya when I saw you in the hall, but didn't want to interrupt. Hope you are still feeling well. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!
You are so beautiful!
I can't wait to touch your belly! (not in a creepy way tho.....)
And I can't wait to see your precious face for real in January!!!!!
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