ok, let me preface this by saying....i don't know how to get the pictures in the order i want them...so some are before the post and some are after. :) ENJOY!

our big day has come and gone and we are now THE JOCHIMS! let me share with you some highlights of our preparations and day as well.
thursday (11/6) we headed to nashville to pick up our sweet pianist, marce. she flew in from california to play for our wedding. when we arrived back in bg, marce and i had some sweet catch up time and stayed up til after 2. we woke up friday morning to begin our pampering and went with amanda and sally to get manis and pedis. and the rest is a whirlwind. we started decorating the church at noon. when mom and dad arrived they took me to the car and informed me that my mam-maw wouldn't be able to come to the wedding and that she had been sick all week. now this is no ordinary mam-maw. she is by far one of the most influential people in my life. she is responsible for the foundation of my faith. i was, of course, very upset that she wouldn't be able to be there for this huge milestone in my life, but at the same time understood that it was
impossible for her to be there because of her sickness.
the rehearsal was great fun. moe's catered. we gave gifts. the flower girls and ring bearer loved entertaining. it was a perfect night. all of my bridesmaids stayed at our apartment and we practiced for our secret surprise for the reception. SO FUN!
i slept very little that night. woke up early to head to the church. i can't really describe what i was feeling. a little sick to my stomach, a lot anxious, but excited too. the day went so smoothly. it was so fun to spend sweet time with my big girls and little girls. i think the
ceremony was perfect and we had a great time at the reception. here are a few pictures that i love from the day.