well, its been over a month since our day of wedded bliss. i've had such great intentions of blogging about the honeymoon, ikea, thanksgiving, our trip to the opryland hotel with adams family, but all have failed. i want to be a great blogger, like this sweet mother and awesome mckmama. but instead of trying to back track, i will proceed and pretend as though i talked all about those things for hours and hours.
as for now, i'm going to make a wish list. i was reading a friends blog and saw her wish list and it inspired me, not for the sake of wishing, but for the sake of challenging myself to be better at the things i want to be better at!
1. i want to be a better blogger, but i already talked about that.
2. i want to be organic. i want to eat (and feed my family) natural foods. its so expensive! i don't know how people do it! i want to cook foods naturally so that my body can be as healthy as possible. and when shopping for these foods, i want not to bring home hundreds of plasitc bags. the last time adam and i went to the grocery together we remembered our reusable bags and i felt so accomplished walking out of the store. lets do that every time!
3. i want to be a runner. i will never be a runner that wins races, but i want to be able to run for more than 30 seconds without feeling like i'm going to die. we have a fitness center in our apartment complex, so its free to me (well, we pay rent to live there, so i guess its not exactly free to me). we have recently become convicted by the amount of money we are paying for cable and internet ($56 a month) and the time spent using these things when we are at home. we are going to cancel it and it is our hope that all of this free time that we have can be spent on more important things, like taking care of our bodies and...
4. i want to be more like Christ. our free time will also be used to focus more on taking care of our spiritual health. i want to know the Word. i want to recall the Word when i am stressed at work. i want to share Jesus without fear. and i want to be equipped to do that. being a follower of Christ for 6 years, i should be in this place. i am striving for that.
5. i want to feel a purpose for the work i do day in and day out. it has always been a dream of mine to work in adoption. i don't know how to get there. i want to love on people that don't get loved on by anyone else. i want to come home and feel like my day was worth while (or be home investing in the lives of my own children, which will come when the children come!)
thats all for now. i'm going to work on number one before your eyes, and maybe the rest will come before your eyes as well. we'll see.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
rehearsal and wedding day
ok, let me preface this by saying....i don't know how to get the pictures in the order i want them...so some are before the post and some are after. :) ENJOY!

our big day has come and gone and we are now THE JOCHIMS! let me share with you some highlights of our preparations and day as well.
thursday (11/6) we headed to nashville to pick up our sweet pianist, marce. she flew in from california to play for our wedding. when we arrived back in bg, marce and i had some sweet catch up time and stayed up til after 2. we woke up friday morning to begin our pampering and went with amanda and sally to get manis and pedis. and the rest is a whirlwind. we started decorating the church at noon. when mom and dad arrived they took me to the car and informed me that my mam-maw wouldn't be able to come to the wedding and that she had been sick all week. now this is no ordinary mam-maw. she is by far one of the most influential people in my life. she is responsible for the foundation of my faith. i was, of course, very upset that she wouldn't be able to be there for this huge milestone in my life, but at the same time understood that it was
impossible for her to be there because of her sickness.
the rehearsal was great fun. moe's catered. we gave gifts. the flower girls and ring bearer loved entertaining. it was a perfect night. all of my bridesmaids stayed at our apartment and we practiced for our secret surprise for the reception. SO FUN!
i slept very little that night. woke up early to head to the church. i can't really describe what i was feeling. a little sick to my stomach, a lot anxious, but excited too. the day went so smoothly. it was so fun to spend sweet time with my big girls and little girls. i think the
ceremony was perfect and we had a great time at the reception. here are a few pictures that i love from the day.

Thursday, November 6, 2008
2 days to go!
we are 2 days out folks, 2 days! and boy has this week/past weekend been eventful.
friday we of course participated in trunks of treats at our church. we (adam, amanda, addie, and i) were bugs. see if you can figure out what we were!!

on saturday we had a grand ol' time at adam's family reunion. corn hole, volleyball, food, what can be better!? we ended the family reunion walking to support the tri-state multiple sclerosis association in their annual autumn walk. this is a cause that adam's family takes very seriously, and i am overjoyed to be a part of it!
ok, so monday. wedding week. i'm off work all week. so i quickly started trying to prepare last minute things. straightening the apartment for upcoming guest. taking ribbon to caterer. taking table clothes to reception hall. voting....well i guess that isn't wedding related, but it happened. making trips to walmart. wrapping bridal party gifts. then it happened. tuesday afternoon the aches started to hit. the nausea was coming. i spent tuesday night, not watching election coverage, but in the bathroom, losing everything i had eaten that day! wednesday i was good for nothing. i haven't been sick in over a year, and four days before our wedding it hits!
tonight adam and i are going to nashville to pick up my dear friend marce from the airport. marce and i met four years ago on summer project in santa cruz, ca. she is from oklahoma but currently living in california and is so awesome, that she is flying out to be our wedding pianist. i haven't seen her in a year, and i can't express how excited and honored i am that she is coming!!!
the next time you hear from us we will actually be the jochims! how exciting!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
OUR house
the weekend was an eventful one. after work on friday i headed to our new apartment complex to obtain keys and we started moving things in. saturday morning came early and we did the 5K. (adam, the runner, finished is 23ish minutes. i on the other hand knocked 9 minutes off my time from last year, and still finished in 39 minutes.) after the 5K festivities, we met up with our parents and moved the rest of the stuff in. i am currently living here, but in 11 days adam will be joining me in OUR house. its so exciting to know that this is where our first joys as married couple will take place! here are some pictures of our unfinished product....
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